Isabel Gómez Machado follows diverse family albums in search of the representation of private spheres, where the ordinary or commonplace take a new meaning in the representation of anonymous ‘homebodies’. Isabel’s paintings review the commonplace of every-day life, where the feminine presences reign over domestic landscapes. Intimacy, observation, and poetic representation give us an account of lives apparently lived in total interiority and contemplation, abstract lives concerned with the most trivial and restful existence. The simple acts of the every-day anti-heroism are rendered visible and appetizing in her carefully crafted oil paintings.
The essence of her work is a poetic detachment, an overt reference to what lies behind the staged public scenes of contemporary life, as communicated by TV, internet, and magazines. Nevertheless, her work is mischievous and irreverent, choosing to present subjects of all ages and types involved in apparently innocuous situations. The body, ever-present in all its fragility and nudity, is the principal element of interest. In bold colors that recall Gaugin, flat colors, and basic outlined shapes, she brings into collision art-historical references to the body with the intimate objects and people that surround her.